Be careful what you put on the internet.   Your spouse, your boss, or your spouse’s lawyer might see it and might use it against you.

First some background.  I have been doing this long enough to remember the pre-internet days.  Back then, cases revolved around phone messages, actual paper letters, private investigator reports, non-digital photographs and video recordings (played on a TV in a  courtroom with a VCR attached).  How times have changed!

Today the typical family law case will have emails, text messages, print outs from twitter, Facebook, or other social media, cell phone pictures and just about any device from an IPad to an Android device playing digital photos in the courtroom.

Don’t post anything on the internet that you will regret later.   To put it another way, don’t post anything on the internet that you would not be proud for a family court judge to read or look at in the courtroom.    While it’s not possible to list everything you could do on the internet that could work against you in a case, here are some examples:

  • Don’t belittle or attack your spouse, your spouse’s lawyer, or the judge.
  • Don’t post photos of yourself drinking or engaging in illegal behavior.
  • Don’t use inappropriate language.
  • Don’t talk about your case.
  • Don’t post photos of yourself with or photos of your dates, love interests, and/or sexual partners until your case is over or settled.
  • Be careful posting photos of your children.

Social media is a minefield.  Be careful where you step.



Scott Allen is a divorce attorney in Raleigh, NC with over nineteen years of experience in all areas of family law litigation and settlement.  He can be reached at 919.863.4183.