The purpose of this site and the information provided on is to provide a starting point for access to laws and information on divorce issues, elder law, estate planning, medicaid, wills, and other topics of interest to seniors and families of seniors. The site content, links, and blogs contained on this site are general reference works and a public service. Site readers are advised to check for changes to the law (which are frequent) and consult with an attorney on any legal issue.

Information placed on these Web pages is not intended to create and does not create or replace an attorney-client relationship.

The information on this site is not designed or intended to be specific legal advice for any particular legal issue or circumstance.

Decisions about topics discussed on this website should only be made after consultation with legal professionals. Although every attempt is made to ensure that the information is accurate and timely, the information is presented “as is” and without warranties, either express or implied.

The thoughts and commentary about the law contained on this site are provided as a service to the community. The material in this website may be considered advertising under applicable rules.